IF statement in Word table



I have tried to review all the outstanding comments but I can't seem to get
my IF statement to work. I am trying to reference 1 particular cell in the
table that if the value entered is $250 or above that another field displays
"SignatureRequired" "NOT Required". I am entering the following IF statment
in the field where I want the Signature message to appear.


I have tried to bookmark the actual cell/field but it displays as Undefined
Bookmark or Syntax Error. I am not familiar with Macros but any assistance
would be appreciated (especially if all I have to do is copy and paste :)).



Hi n_hobbs,

Word's formula syntax is rather different from Excel's where text is concerned. For your needs, you could use a formula field coded
{IF{D6}< 250 "Signature Required" "Signature NOT Required"}
{=D6-250 \# "Signature Required;Signature NOT Required;Signature NOT Required"}

Alternatively, you you insert 'SignatureRequired' in the cell and use a field coded as either:
{IF{D6}< 250 " " " NOT "}
{=D6-250 \# " ; NOT ; NOT "}
between the 'Signature' and 'Required'.

Note: The field brace pairs (ie '{ }') for the above examples are created via Ctrl-F9 - you can't simply type them or copy & paste
them from this message.

For more information on doing field calculations in Word, check out my Word Field Maths Tutorial, at:

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