If Statement is Wacky



This IIf statement is not working...it doesn't do anything.
I tried changing the first part of if to

If Me.TxtDisplay <> Me.TxtDupeID Then

then I did get the "DUPLICATE ID"
but the second part still wouldn't work.
Any help appreciated.

Select Case
Case 14
Me.TxtDupeID = Nz(DLookup("[EmployeeID]", "Employees", "EmployeeID = " &
Me.TxtDisplay & ""), 0)
If Me.TxtDisplay = Me.TxtDupeID Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "FXMsgWarning"
Forms!FXMsgWarning!TxtMsg = "DUPLICATE ID"
ElseIf Me.TxtDupeID = 0 Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, "PadNumber"
End If
End Select

Graham R Seach

The original code looks pretty much OK to me, except that (assuming
EmployeeID is numeric) the DLookup statement should be as follows:
Me.TxtDupeID = Nz(DLookup("[EmployeeID]", "Employees", "EmployeeID = " &
Me.TxtDisplay), 0)

If EmployeeID is meant to be textual, then the statement should be as
Me.TxtDupeID = Nz(DLookup("[EmployeeID]", "Employees", "EmployeeID = """
& Me.TxtDisplay & """"), 0)

If it's not working, then I suggest you use F8 to step through the code and
use the Immediate Window to check the value of each statement as each step

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia


Graham said:
The original code looks pretty much OK to me, except that (assuming
EmployeeID is numeric) the DLookup statement should be as follows:
Me.TxtDupeID = Nz(DLookup("[EmployeeID]", "Employees", "EmployeeID = " &
Me.TxtDisplay), 0)

If EmployeeID is meant to be textual, then the statement should be as
Me.TxtDupeID = Nz(DLookup("[EmployeeID]", "Employees", "EmployeeID = """
& Me.TxtDisplay & """"), 0)

If it's not working, then I suggest you use F8 to step through the code and
use the Immediate Window to check the value of each statement as each step

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

This IIf statement is not working...it doesn't do anything.
I tried changing the first part of if to

If Me.TxtDisplay <> Me.TxtDupeID Then

then I did get the "DUPLICATE ID"
but the second part still wouldn't work.
Any help appreciated.

Select Case
Case 14
Me.TxtDupeID = Nz(DLookup("[EmployeeID]", "Employees", "EmployeeID = " &
Me.TxtDisplay & ""), 0)
If Me.TxtDisplay = Me.TxtDupeID Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "FXMsgWarning"
Forms!FXMsgWarning!TxtMsg = "DUPLICATE ID"
ElseIf Me.TxtDupeID = 0 Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, "PadNumber"
End If
End Select
Thanks Graham...It was the Quotes.

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