I want to do a calculation which calculates selling price from either Margin
% or Margin £ and if there is nothing in either field then I want to display
the text "no margin". I have tried the following formula:-
Sell Ex VAT: IIf([Margin %] Is Not Null,[Cost Price]+([Margin %]*[Cost
Price]),(IIf([Margin £] Is Not Null,[Cost Price]+[Margin £],"no margin")))
However, if there is nothing in either field, then it returns #Error.
Anyone got any ideas?
% or Margin £ and if there is nothing in either field then I want to display
the text "no margin". I have tried the following formula:-
Sell Ex VAT: IIf([Margin %] Is Not Null,[Cost Price]+([Margin %]*[Cost
Price]),(IIf([Margin £] Is Not Null,[Cost Price]+[Margin £],"no margin")))
However, if there is nothing in either field, then it returns #Error.
Anyone got any ideas?