I am having trouble with Excel not returning a blank in an IF statement. My
spreadsheet has three tabs.
The first tab is a list of tracking numbers that need checked (12 digits).
The second tab is a list of tracking numbers (16 digits) that are scanned
into the spreadsheet in column A as we receive packages. In column B rows 2
through 600 is the formula =left(a2,12) - adjusted for each row.
The third tab reconciles the two lists and has the following formula:
Column A - =IF('Sheet1'!A2="","",'Sheet1'!A2)
Column B - =IF(A2="","",IF(ISNA(MATCH(A2,D
,0)),"Not Received","Received"))
Column D - =IF('Sheet2'!B2="","",'Sheet2'!B2)
Column E - =IF(D2="","",IF(ISNA(MATCH(D2,A:A,0)),"Extra Package","Correct
Everything works correctly expect Column E returns "Extra Package" for every
blank line. If we scan 300 packages, row 301 through row 600 will return
"Extra Package". If I check Column A in Sheet2, there is nothing in these
rows. If I hit delete on one of the blank rows in Sheet2, it will fix the
problem on Sheet3 but it happens again every time we add data. If I
highlight all the blank rows and hit delete, it does not fix the problem on
spreadsheet has three tabs.
The first tab is a list of tracking numbers that need checked (12 digits).
The second tab is a list of tracking numbers (16 digits) that are scanned
into the spreadsheet in column A as we receive packages. In column B rows 2
through 600 is the formula =left(a2,12) - adjusted for each row.
The third tab reconciles the two lists and has the following formula:
Column A - =IF('Sheet1'!A2="","",'Sheet1'!A2)
Column B - =IF(A2="","",IF(ISNA(MATCH(A2,D
Column D - =IF('Sheet2'!B2="","",'Sheet2'!B2)
Column E - =IF(D2="","",IF(ISNA(MATCH(D2,A:A,0)),"Extra Package","Correct
Everything works correctly expect Column E returns "Extra Package" for every
blank line. If we scan 300 packages, row 301 through row 600 will return
"Extra Package". If I check Column A in Sheet2, there is nothing in these
rows. If I hit delete on one of the blank rows in Sheet2, it will fix the
problem on Sheet3 but it happens again every time we add data. If I
highlight all the blank rows and hit delete, it does not fix the problem on