If Statement Progressive Calculation Help Needed!


Dave Elliott

The below code calculates a suggested Invoice Price
I need for it to adjust for the count of Text432 which is a numeric value
expressed as , example 1 or 2 or 3, etc...
If Text432 equals 1 or 2 , then run code below
But for every count after (greater than 2) then it divides [Rate] by 2 and
adds this amount to it.
Example if Rate equals 2, (65) then the price would be 65*2
But if the rate equals 3 then the divide rate by 2 and add this amount to
the below formula. 65/2 equals 32.50
So the total for the Rate value would be 97.50
The code below would have to adjust all the way up to 10

The below code is it's control source, it is unbound.


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