I am trying to create a function that will allow me to identify th
start and end date of a particular project. The file is attached bellow
Each project contains a time line marked by 1s. I am looking for
formula that will allow me to determine the start and end date of eac
project based on these 1s. A "1" indicates the project is being worke
on. When there are no ones, then the project is either complete o
hasn't started. There's an example on the first row in the fil
Thanks you so much for the help,and please feel free to commend o
suggest any alternative ways.
|Filename: Capture.jpg
|Download: http://www.excelbanter.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=883
I am trying to create a function that will allow me to identify th
start and end date of a particular project. The file is attached bellow
Each project contains a time line marked by 1s. I am looking for
formula that will allow me to determine the start and end date of eac
project based on these 1s. A "1" indicates the project is being worke
on. When there are no ones, then the project is either complete o
hasn't started. There's an example on the first row in the fil
Thanks you so much for the help,and please feel free to commend o
suggest any alternative ways.
|Filename: Capture.jpg
|Download: http://www.excelbanter.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=883