I have a range of cells a1:a3.
In a1 I will have a number between 0 - 5.
In a2 I will have a number between 0 - 5.
In a3 I want a function that returns "Fail" if a2 is above 0, and "Dropped"
if a1 is above 0 irrelevant to what number is in a2. ie: a number above 0 in
a1 will always return "Dropped" no matter what number is a2.
If a1 and a2 are both at 0 then "Pass" will be returned.
My starting point is =IF(A2>0,"Fail","Pass").
Please can you help?
I have a range of cells a1:a3.
In a1 I will have a number between 0 - 5.
In a2 I will have a number between 0 - 5.
In a3 I want a function that returns "Fail" if a2 is above 0, and "Dropped"
if a1 is above 0 irrelevant to what number is in a2. ie: a number above 0 in
a1 will always return "Dropped" no matter what number is a2.
If a1 and a2 are both at 0 then "Pass" will be returned.
My starting point is =IF(A2>0,"Fail","Pass").
Please can you help?