If Statement



My worksheet the following columns
A DueDate
B DatePaid
C AmtPaid
D Overdue
E TotPaid

My if statement in Overdue (Col D) is: =IF(A1<TODAY(),15-C1," ")

The 15 is the amount that should have been paid ($15) from Col C. It work
fine except I would like for the cell to be blank rather than $0 if there is
nothing due.

What is the best way to do this. Or is there an easier way to obtain the
overdue amount?



In Column D
Overpayment shows up as negative value.
Now, if they get frisky and overpay (C1 has value larger than 15) and you
still don't want to see anything in D, then


One way (but this could affect dependent formulae performing arithmetic
operations on your results):

Or, you could use a custom number format, which would retain a 0 value in
the cell, but would not display it. For example

Or you can have excel suppress all zeroes by
Tools/Options/View - uncheck zero values.

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