My worksheet the following columns
A DueDate
B DatePaid
C AmtPaid
D Overdue
E TotPaid
My if statement in Overdue (Col D) is: =IF(A1<TODAY(),15-C1," ")
The 15 is the amount that should have been paid ($15) from Col C. It work
fine except I would like for the cell to be blank rather than $0 if there is
nothing due.
What is the best way to do this. Or is there an easier way to obtain the
overdue amount?
A DueDate
B DatePaid
C AmtPaid
D Overdue
E TotPaid
My if statement in Overdue (Col D) is: =IF(A1<TODAY(),15-C1," ")
The 15 is the amount that should have been paid ($15) from Col C. It work
fine except I would like for the cell to be blank rather than $0 if there is
nothing due.
What is the best way to do this. Or is there an easier way to obtain the
overdue amount?