This has me puzzled. We have a mailmerge document populated from an external database via a header and text file. In the letter we compare a Start Date with an End Date. If they are the same the letter only prints the Start Date m/d/y. If the End Date is greater than the Start Date, we format the Start Date for month/day add a dash and format the End Date month/day/year. We just ran into a case where if the month and day are the same in the Start Date and the same in the End Date the test fails and only the Start Date is printed. An example would be SD = 04/04/2007 and ED = 06/06/2007. changing the SD to 03/03/2007 or 05/05/2007 or the ED in similiar fashion yields the same failure. A difference in the year results in the desired behavior. Any thoughts?
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