If statements



I am having a lot of trouble with an if, then statement. Here is what I have:

In the following cells I will have a number
Q9, R9, S9

In T9 I am wanting it to calculate the following:
If S9=0, then it should automatically equal 00.00%, otherwise
If R9=0, and Q9>0, thenit should equal (100%), if this statement is false,
then it should equal 100%, otherwise
If R<>0, then S9/R9

This is the function I entered:

We are working on these very detailed reports and this is something our
supervisor asked us to work on. I'm not sure if this can even be done, but I
am stuck at this point.

Mike H


If i've managed to follow you logic this may work. Format the cell as %.


If this is incorrect correct the table below and we can try again

condition output
s9=0 0%
and (r9=0 Q9>0) 100%
and (r9<>0 q9<0) 100%
r9<>0 s9/r9 as percentage



Thanks Mike! That worked perfectly!!

Mike H said:

If i've managed to follow you logic this may work. Format the cell as %.


If this is incorrect correct the table below and we can try again

condition output
s9=0 0%
and (r9=0 Q9>0) 100%
and (r9<>0 q9<0) 100%
r9<>0 s9/r9 as percentage


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