if statements



I have almost cracked the IF statement but i am just inches away!

i have a query with the following fields

job title date in Placement ID Placed
PA 01/01/2007 -4001 YES

I want the field placed to show yes IF there is a placement ID example
(-4001) and if not show "not placed" please help! as the window is looking
very inviting


Excellent works a treat!


Rob Parker said:
Placed: iif(IsNull([Placement ID]),"Not Placed","Yes")



smason said:
I have almost cracked the IF statement but i am just inches away!

i have a query with the following fields

job title date in Placement ID Placed
PA 01/01/2007 -4001 YES

I want the field placed to show yes IF there is a placement ID example
(-4001) and if not show "not placed" please help! as the window is looking
very inviting

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