If textbox1 value = field1, then textbox2 value = field2

  • Thread starter TalentNation-Net via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

TalentNation-Net via AccessMonster.com

I have a simple one-table database. Here are the fields (with explanations in

id (auto number)
eng (english word)
esp (spanish word)
espex (spanish word example)
por (portuguese word)
porex (portuguese word example)

To view the data, I have a simple form with only four text box controls:

Eng (text box) | Esp (text box) | Por (text box)

Exs: (text box shared for the fields "espex" and "porex")

The "Eng," "Esp," and "Por" text boxes are straightforward, but the "Exs"
text box is not so straightforward for me. Here is an example to explain how
I want the "Exs" text box to work:

If I scroll (tab) to the second record of field "esp," then the value of text
box "Exs" should equal the second record of field "espex." Here is another
example: if I scroll to--say--the 614th record of field "por," then the value
of text box "Exs" should equal the 614th record of field "porex."

In other words, if the cursor is on record "n" of field "Eng," "Esp," or "Por,
" then the value of text box "Exs" should equal null if the cursor is on
field "Eng," or record "n" of field "espex" if the cursor is on record "n" of
field "esp," or record "n" of field "porex" if the cursor is on record "n" of
field "por."

Clear? Please let me know if I can clarify what I'm trying to do. The concept
seems very simple. Implementing it is not so simple for me. I really look
forward to your reply! I have the database on hand to send if need be.


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