I have the following code in my auto_open. I keep getting an error msg
stateing "Else without an IF". Can someone tell me where my coding is
going wrong? What I'm doing is checking to see if a persons name is at
f1 and if false, then run macro 2 asking for it. But, if no name is ther
and it's after the trial date, then shut down immediately.
Sub Aut
pen() 'This first "IF" statement checks for a recorded name at
If Worksheets("data").Range("f1") < 1 Then Call Macro2
ElseIf Now > Worksheets("data").Range("f10") Then 'This shuts down the
program after 10/31/03
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End If
End Sub
Rem Call Macro2
Rem End Sub
Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
' Macro recorded 7/30/2003 by DLS
'Sub GetInput()
Dim MyInput 'This line of code is optional
MyInput = InputBox("Enter Company Name")
Range("data!f2").Value = MyInput
MyInput = InputBox("Enter your Name")
Range("data!f1").Value = MyInput
msgbox ("Hello ") & MyInput
End Sub
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stateing "Else without an IF". Can someone tell me where my coding is
going wrong? What I'm doing is checking to see if a persons name is at
f1 and if false, then run macro 2 asking for it. But, if no name is ther
and it's after the trial date, then shut down immediately.
Sub Aut
If Worksheets("data").Range("f1") < 1 Then Call Macro2
ElseIf Now > Worksheets("data").Range("f10") Then 'This shuts down the
program after 10/31/03
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End If
End Sub
Rem Call Macro2
Rem End Sub
Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
' Macro recorded 7/30/2003 by DLS
'Sub GetInput()
Dim MyInput 'This line of code is optional
MyInput = InputBox("Enter Company Name")
Range("data!f2").Value = MyInput
MyInput = InputBox("Enter your Name")
Range("data!f1").Value = MyInput
msgbox ("Hello ") & MyInput
End Sub
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