If Then Formula



I am using Excel 2003 and am trying to make the following happen. I have
created a drop down list (using Data Validation) that consists of different
Labor Types. In another cell I have a place for Labor Rates. What I would
like to happen is upon selecting a Labor Type such as Project Manager the
cell would then automatically be populated with the associated Labor Rate.
Currently the source information is located in hidden columns in the
worksheet. I have 100 different Labor Types and associated Labor Rates. I
hope this makes sense. Any help is appreciated.

Gord Dibben


Select a cell in which the Rate is to be returned.

Enter =VLOOKUP(cellref,mylist,2,FALSE)

Where cellref is the DV cell and mylist is a named range of your two
column(Type and Rate)source information.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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