if then formulas with text?



I have a spreadsheet of questions - about 250 in total. The user is supposed
to select their answer from a drop down box. There are eleven possible
answers to the various questions AND the drop down boxes have different
combinations of of the eleven answers. For instance, in some cases we have
only yes or no drop down answers and others have an answer of monthly,
quarterly, NA, etc.

What I am looking to do is create a formula in a separate cell that looks to
the answer selected from the drop down box and reduce it to a letter, with
each answer having a separate letter.

Given the number of questions I would like to have the same formula for all
questions; meaning nesting eleven IF/Then 's in a formula.

Any suggestions? Thank you for your problem solving efforts in advance.


K --

Don't completely understand. If you're trying to limit respondents answers
to a preselected range, you can do that through >Data>Validation. You can
set up a few lists of the various combinations of answers you'll allow
(Yes/No/Maybe, or Male/Female/Other) and then select those ranges as lists of
allowable answers depending on the question.

If you're looking for Excel to translate an answer into text, then you can
either nest a bunch of If statements:

= IF(A1="A","Albondigas",IF(A1="B","Bologna","") etc.

or use a numerical option, allowing the 'CHOOSE' function:

1 #
2 =CHOOSE(A1,"Albondigas","Bologna","Crabgrass","") etc.


Bob Phillips

Have a table of actual answers and codified answer, then do a VLOOKUP of the
actual answer to return the codified.



Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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