Hello, if some one could help please
I have a toggle button that tracks results via 0,1,2. I need to translate this to the english language
I created a text box called [Text8] depending on the value in [WH Checkbox] which can be 0,1,2. I need the text box to show "pending", "full", "partial" depending on the value in [WH Checkbox
=IIf([WH Checkbox]=0,[Text8]="Pending",[Text8]="Need Info"
doesn't seem to work. I know this should be a simple task
Thank you
I have a toggle button that tracks results via 0,1,2. I need to translate this to the english language
I created a text box called [Text8] depending on the value in [WH Checkbox] which can be 0,1,2. I need the text box to show "pending", "full", "partial" depending on the value in [WH Checkbox
=IIf([WH Checkbox]=0,[Text8]="Pending",[Text8]="Need Info"
doesn't seem to work. I know this should be a simple task
Thank you