If you can answer this for me I will be indebted to you!!!



I work for a University and my professional has just given me a screen shot
of a list of long files...several hundered of them, all file names with
underscores galore and numbers. Very tedious typing assignment.
It came to me as a long image file.

So, I tried to see if I could go into any file on my computer, and copy the
text list...but it appears I cannot. I also unintentionally copy the data
behind the list...the actual content, which I don't want. I've been asked to
create a list in Excel so all I need is to reproduce these file names.

Is there an easier way or am I in for a long afternoon?

JoAnn Paules

If you can access that directory............download ASAP Utilities add-in
for Excel. There is a built-in function that you can use to point to a
specific directory and it will create a list in Excel, hyperlinked to the
files if you want. It's awesome for so many reasons and that's a major one!

It's under Favorites & Shortcuts, #6. It'll take a few moments and you're
done. Leave early for the day. ;-)


I am going to have to buy you lunch!! One question...the files are on my
professional's computer so I would have to download ASAP there? Where exactly
is this download located...#6?


JoAnn Paules said:
If you can access that directory............download ASAP Utilities add-in
for Excel. There is a built-in function that you can use to point to a
specific directory and it will create a list in Excel, hyperlinked to the
files if you want. It's awesome for so many reasons and that's a major one!

It's under Favorites & Shortcuts, #6. It'll take a few moments and you're
done. Leave early for the day. ;-)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Michele said:
I work for a University and my professional has just given me a screen shot
of a list of long files...several hundered of them, all file names with
underscores galore and numbers. Very tedious typing assignment.
It came to me as a long image file.

So, I tried to see if I could go into any file on my computer, and copy
text list...but it appears I cannot. I also unintentionally copy the data
behind the list...the actual content, which I don't want. I've been asked
create a list in Excel so all I need is to reproduce these file names.

Is there an easier way or am I in for a long afternoon?


I found it!!!!!! Bless you, bless you!!! If you ever come to Delaware, I'll
take you to lunch!!!

JoAnn Paules said:
If you can access that directory............download ASAP Utilities add-in
for Excel. There is a built-in function that you can use to point to a
specific directory and it will create a list in Excel, hyperlinked to the
files if you want. It's awesome for so many reasons and that's a major one!

It's under Favorites & Shortcuts, #6. It'll take a few moments and you're
done. Leave early for the day. ;-)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Michele said:
I work for a University and my professional has just given me a screen shot
of a list of long files...several hundered of them, all file names with
underscores galore and numbers. Very tedious typing assignment.
It came to me as a long image file.

So, I tried to see if I could go into any file on my computer, and copy
text list...but it appears I cannot. I also unintentionally copy the data
behind the list...the actual content, which I don't want. I've been asked
create a list in Excel so all I need is to reproduce these file names.

Is there an easier way or am I in for a long afternoon?

JoAnn Paules

I'm within a two hour drive from some areas of Delaware. ;-)

I'm glad I could help you.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Michele said:
I found it!!!!!! Bless you, bless you!!! If you ever come to Delaware,
take you to lunch!!!

JoAnn Paules said:
If you can access that directory............download ASAP Utilities
for Excel. There is a built-in function that you can use to point to a
specific directory and it will create a list in Excel, hyperlinked to the
files if you want. It's awesome for so many reasons and that's a major

It's under Favorites & Shortcuts, #6. It'll take a few moments and you're
done. Leave early for the day. ;-)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Michele said:
I work for a University and my professional has just given me a screen
of a list of long files...several hundered of them, all file names with
underscores galore and numbers. Very tedious typing assignment.
It came to me as a long image file.

So, I tried to see if I could go into any file on my computer, and copy
text list...but it appears I cannot. I also unintentionally copy the
behind the list...the actual content, which I don't want. I've been
create a list in Excel so all I need is to reproduce these file names.

Is there an easier way or am I in for a long afternoon?

Tom Willett

A lobster lunch would be worth the drive.

: I'm within a two hour drive from some areas of Delaware. ;-)
: I'm glad I could help you.
: --
: JoAnn Paules
: MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
: Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"
: : >I found it!!!!!! Bless you, bless you!!! If you ever come to Delaware,
: >I'll
: > take you to lunch!!!
: >
: > "JoAnn Paules" wrote:
: >
: >> If you can access that directory............download ASAP Utilities
: >> add-in
: >> for Excel. There is a built-in function that you can use to point to a
: >> specific directory and it will create a list in Excel, hyperlinked to
: >> files if you want. It's awesome for so many reasons and that's a major
: >> one!
: >>
: >> It's under Favorites & Shortcuts, #6. It'll take a few moments and
: >> done. Leave early for the day. ;-)
: >>
: >> --
: >>
: >> JoAnn Paules
: >> MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
: >> Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"
: >>
: >>
: >> : >> >I work for a University and my professional has just given me a screen
: >> >shot
: >> > of a list of long files...several hundered of them, all file names
: >> > underscores galore and numbers. Very tedious typing assignment.
: >> > It came to me as a long image file.
: >> >
: >> > So, I tried to see if I could go into any file on my computer, and
: >> > the
: >> > text list...but it appears I cannot. I also unintentionally copy the
: >> > data
: >> > behind the list...the actual content, which I don't want. I've been
: >> > asked
: >> > to
: >> > create a list in Excel so all I need is to reproduce these file
: >> >
: >> > Is there an easier way or am I in for a long afternoon?
: >> >
: >>
: >>
: >>


As I told Tom, I am in Lewes! Since you helped me you get to get in line first!

Again, much thanks!
Univ of DE

JoAnn Paules said:
I'm within a two hour drive from some areas of Delaware. ;-)

I'm glad I could help you.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Michele said:
I found it!!!!!! Bless you, bless you!!! If you ever come to Delaware,
take you to lunch!!!

JoAnn Paules said:
If you can access that directory............download ASAP Utilities
for Excel. There is a built-in function that you can use to point to a
specific directory and it will create a list in Excel, hyperlinked to the
files if you want. It's awesome for so many reasons and that's a major

It's under Favorites & Shortcuts, #6. It'll take a few moments and you're
done. Leave early for the day. ;-)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

I work for a University and my professional has just given me a screen
of a list of long files...several hundered of them, all file names with
underscores galore and numbers. Very tedious typing assignment.
It came to me as a long image file.

So, I tried to see if I could go into any file on my computer, and copy
text list...but it appears I cannot. I also unintentionally copy the
behind the list...the actual content, which I don't want. I've been
create a list in Excel so all I need is to reproduce these file names.

Is there an easier way or am I in for a long afternoon?

Tom Willett

They do make medicine for that.

: I'm not a big lobster eater but I do like crabs and shrimp.
: --
: JoAnn Paules
: MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
: Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"
: : >A lobster lunch would be worth the drive.
: >
: > : > : I'm within a two hour drive from some areas of Delaware. ;-)
: > :
: > : I'm glad I could help you.
: > :
: > : --
: > :
: > : JoAnn Paules
: > : MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
: > : Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"
: > :
: > :
: > : : > : >I found it!!!!!! Bless you, bless you!!! If you ever come to
: > : >I'll
: > : > take you to lunch!!!
: > : >
: > : > "JoAnn Paules" wrote:
: > : >
: > : >> If you can access that directory............download ASAP Utilities
: > : >> add-in
: > : >> for Excel. There is a built-in function that you can use to point
: > a
: > : >> specific directory and it will create a list in Excel, hyperlinked
: > the
: > : >> files if you want. It's awesome for so many reasons and that's a
: > major
: > : >> one!
: > : >>
: > : >> It's under Favorites & Shortcuts, #6. It'll take a few moments and
: > you're
: > : >> done. Leave early for the day. ;-)
: > : >>
: > : >> --
: > : >>
: > : >> JoAnn Paules
: > : >> MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
: > : >> Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"
: > : >>
: > : >>
: > : >> : > : >> >I work for a University and my professional has just given me a
: > screen
: > : >> >shot
: > : >> > of a list of long files...several hundered of them, all file
: > with
: > : >> > underscores galore and numbers. Very tedious typing assignment.
: > : >> > It came to me as a long image file.
: > : >> >
: > : >> > So, I tried to see if I could go into any file on my computer,
: > copy
: > : >> > the
: > : >> > text list...but it appears I cannot. I also unintentionally copy
: > the
: > : >> > data
: > : >> > behind the list...the actual content, which I don't want. I've
: > : >> > asked
: > : >> > to
: > : >> > create a list in Excel so all I need is to reproduce these file
: > names.
: > : >> >
: > : >> > Is there an easier way or am I in for a long afternoon?
: > : >> >
: > : >>
: > : >>
: > : >>
: > :
: > :
: >
: >

Steve Rindsberg

If installing an app is a non-starter, you can always open a command prompt,
change to the folder where the files are located then do:


That'll give you a list of all the files in the folder, stored in FILELIST.TXT

Open that in notepad and paste into Excel, or bring it directly into Excel (open
as tab delimted text or the like)

I am going to have to buy you lunch!! One question...the files are on my
professional's computer so I would have to download ASAP there? Where exactly
is this download located...#6?


JoAnn Paules said:
If you can access that directory............download ASAP Utilities add-in
for Excel. There is a built-in function that you can use to point to a
specific directory and it will create a list in Excel, hyperlinked to the
files if you want. It's awesome for so many reasons and that's a major one!

It's under Favorites & Shortcuts, #6. It'll take a few moments and you're
done. Leave early for the day. ;-)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Michele said:
I work for a University and my professional has just given me a screen shot
of a list of long files...several hundered of them, all file names with
underscores galore and numbers. Very tedious typing assignment.
It came to me as a long image file.

So, I tried to see if I could go into any file on my computer, and copy
text list...but it appears I cannot. I also unintentionally copy the data
behind the list...the actual content, which I don't want. I've been asked
create a list in Excel so all I need is to reproduce these file names.

Is there an easier way or am I in for a long afternoon?


Michele said:
As I told Tom, I am in Lewes! Since you helped me you get to get in line

Again, much thanks!
Univ of DE

JoAnn Paules said:
I'm within a two hour drive from some areas of Delaware. ;-)

I'm glad I could help you.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Michele said:
I found it!!!!!! Bless you, bless you!!! If you ever come to Delaware,
take you to lunch!!!


If you can access that directory............download ASAP Utilities
for Excel. There is a built-in function that you can use to point to a
specific directory and it will create a list in Excel, hyperlinked to
files if you want. It's awesome for so many reasons and that's a major

It's under Favorites & Shortcuts, #6. It'll take a few moments and
done. Leave early for the day. ;-)


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

I work for a University and my professional has just given me a
of a list of long files...several hundered of them, all file names
underscores galore and numbers. Very tedious typing assignment.
It came to me as a long image file.

So, I tried to see if I could go into any file on my computer, and
text list...but it appears I cannot. I also unintentionally copy the
behind the list...the actual content, which I don't want. I've been
create a list in Excel so all I need is to reproduce these file

Is there an easier way or am I in for a long afternoon?

Got a really good friend that is the Patient Advocate at Beebe Hospital and
my wife was born in Lewes. Small world isn't it. From the mid-Eastern
Shore of Maryland. Keep this up and we are going to have to get a DelMarVA
peninsula Microsoft newsgroup meet.

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