Ignore All (spell check) on words with curly quotes



In Word 2000 and Word XP, when I check the spelling of a document that
contains curly quotes, words that contain an apostrophe are not included
in the Ignore All list when I click a misspelled word in the text and
select the Ignore All option. (The curly quotes are formed by the
AutoFormat As You Type option for replacing "Straight Quotes" with
"Smart Quotes").

Example: What was Bwa'ana looking for?

In this example, Bwa'ana is considered two words, Bwa and ana. Now if I
use only straight quotes, Bwa'ana is considered a single word, which is
included in the Ignore All list.

So now comes my question: Is there a way to have Word 2000 and XP
include words with curly quotes in the middle into the Ignore All list
(or in a custom dictionary, for that matter) as a single word?

I know I can use a placeholder for the apostrophe and replace it after
the spell check, but that can be quite inconvenient when you have lots
of those words.

TIA from AndY

Word Heretic

G'day and <[email protected]>,

I entered Bwa'ana with the straight quote, added it to the dictionary,
then neither straight nor curly quote instances were reported as
spelling errors.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from wordheretic.com (Email replies require payment)

and reckoned:

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