IgnoreRemoteRequests & multiple Instances


John Keith

I have read many posts here and out of the web about issues with
IgnoreRemoteRequests=true. In all of the cases with solutions, Simply
turning off (=false / uncheck) Ignore Other Applications allows the excel
environment to properly work again.

I am attempting to code a module will create a "MyMacro" button on the
Worksheet menu bar that will run the macro process for the given workbook
that created the button. This works as designed as long as only one instance
of excel is needed at a time. The whole purpose of the task is to allow many
seperate instances of excel that do not conflict. Each having their own
Worksheet menu bar button.

One of the solutions I read on the web was to create a new workbook,
IgnoreRemoteRequests=false, saveas a nametodelete.xls, delete the file. The
Solution said that this will allow opening new instances of excel with out
interferring with the protected instance. Workbook.add did not open a new
instance so ineffect the supposedly protected environment was not protected.
I tried resetting IRR back to true as the last statement, then the open
behavior for new instances was re-broken.

Is the only solution to not even attempt this? And always just use 1
instance of excel? Quite frustrating!

*** A workaround I see ***
I suppose that I could create a new custom toolbar that gets a new and
unique button specifically pointing to workbook!mymacro as long as the
workbook(s) are open and have close logic that will clean-up the specific
button as each workbook is closed, and delete the custom toolbar when it
nolonger has any buttons (i.e last open workbook is being closed)

But for academic sake, I'd still like to see if my 1st idea is even possible
in the current excel environment.

Any thoughts?

Jim Thomlinson

I am not saying don't give it a try, but IMO you are heading down a very ugly
path. Even if you get it working right your users are going to try to do
things like copy and paste between the two spreadsheets which are in
different instances and when it does not work out for them they are going to
call you.

If all you are trying to do is to deal with some custom toolbars then by
working with the events in your one instance you can create/delete or
hide/unhide the toolbars in such a way that it is tranparent to the user and
the required toobars only get dispaled at the appropriate times...

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