Bob Henson
I'm monitoring cell B34 in a book of 12 monthly sheets labelled Jan to
Dec using the formula
If *any* of the B34 cells are empty I get a #DIV/0! error. This doesn't
happen with a normal AVERAGE command where the data are all on one sheet
unless *all* the cells in the range are empty. In order that this can be
a rolling average figure all year round (i.e. when there are blank B34
cells in months as yet uncompleted) I need to get the formula to ignore
one or more blank entries. I tried using AVERAGEIF but I can't get that
to work either - but that may be my incompetence.
Any ideas, please ?
Dec using the formula
If *any* of the B34 cells are empty I get a #DIV/0! error. This doesn't
happen with a normal AVERAGE command where the data are all on one sheet
unless *all* the cells in the range are empty. In order that this can be
a rolling average figure all year round (i.e. when there are blank B34
cells in months as yet uncompleted) I need to get the formula to ignore
one or more blank entries. I tried using AVERAGEIF but I can't get that
to work either - but that may be my incompetence.
Any ideas, please ?