Ignoring Cells Returning #N/A



I am setting up a sheet that when a code is entered elsewhere in the workbook
it fills the information in on a summary sheet.

For various reasons, we have a set number of lines (say 5) but if we only
enter 3 codes the other two show up as #n/a because there is no code entered
although the formula is there.

On the summary sheet we need to do a simple =sum() function but if one of
the cells contains #n/a then it won't calculate it.

Is there a way to get the sum function to ignore any cells which come up as
#n/a but to include them when it has a proper value?

Roger Govier


Wrap your formulae in an IF function.

Change input-Cell to the cell reference where you input your code, and
substitute your actual formula for your_formula

Dave Peterson

You could use a formula like:
1E37 is a very large number--1 followed by 37 0's.

Or if the only errors in the =na() error:

You could write the formulas like this, too:

It may make it easier to understand.


I do a lot of formulas in Excel and as Jn specified, you should use one of
the built-in functions to accomplish your task. Use IsNA() or in general for
any errors, use IsError() functions, which handles any type of errors like
#VALUE, #REF, etc...

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