IIF ([date_combo_box] Is Null,“xâ€, Between date 1 And date 2)



In a query, in the criteria I write the following IIF statement:

IIf([Forms]![frm_search]![date_1] Is Null,
[tbl_ projects].[date] Between [Forms]![frm_search]![date_1] And

In a form named “frm_search†there are 2 combo boxes, named "date_1" and

In the case that I leave the combo boxes null, the query runs without a
problem. But when I write some date in the combo boxes the query don’t show
any records. I revise the dates and it should show some record filtered by
the dates.

Appreciate any help. Thanks



You need to write the query in VB to base it on the combo box selection.

Here is a wroking example:

Dim db1 As dao.Database
Dim RevID As String
Dim strSQL2 As String
Set db1 = DBEngine(0)(0)
RevID = Me!User_ID.Value
<The Me!User_ID.Value is the name of the combo box object>

strSQL2 = "SELECT x.HPKeyword, x.ReviewerId, x.addrkey, " _
& "x.ChartsScheduled, x.ChartsRetrieved, x.ChartsNotRetrieved, " _
& "FROM dbo_vw_ScheduledChartByRvwrAppt AS x " _
& "WHERE x.ReviewerId = '" & RevID & "' ;"

< The query now looks for the record where ReviewerId matches RevID >

Debug.Print strSQL2
db1.Execute strSQL2, dbFailOnError

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