I have a report and i'm trying to divide the [PremiumAmt] by 12 if the
[PremiumFreq] equals "Annual". If [PremiumFreq] is not Annual, then it should
just use [PremiumAmt] value. The [PremiumAmt] is a currency field and the
report is based on a query.
I tried this statement in the control source of the text box in the report
but i'm, getting a syntx error.
[PremiumFreq] equals "Annual". If [PremiumFreq] is not Annual, then it should
just use [PremiumAmt] value. The [PremiumAmt] is a currency field and the
report is based on a query.
I tried this statement in the control source of the text box in the report
but i'm, getting a syntx error.