iif statement error#

  • Thread starter James G via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

James G via AccessMonster.com

Hi........i have this simple iif statement in one of my queries..........

Category: IIf([childtype]=1,"Infant",IIf([childtype]=2,"Toddler","Elementary")

......can't get this to work.....can you tell me why??

Child type is a value in the table that helps the system distinguish between
different ages of children.......Infant, Toddler, and Elementary. thanks!

James G via AccessMonster.com

Don't worry about it guys.........i figured out what the problem was.......
the option group i was using .....was assigning the "Childtype" values as
Text not numeric........i used quotations and it fixed the problem....thanks


Might suggest using something like choose() in this situation. Looks like:

Category: choose([childtype],"Infant","Toddler","Elementary")

Makes life easier if that set of choices needs to expand in the future.
Drawback is that you need a value for each option as a sequence. So if you
had childtypes 1,2,4,8 your list would need 8 options, even if some were
empty strings.

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