iif statement on another calculated field?



is there something wrong with this? could it be that the field [DocAge] that
I am comparing is another calcualted field?

=iif( [DocAge] Between 0 And 15,"0-15â€, iif( [DocAge] Between 16 And 30,
“16-30â€, iif( [DocAge] Between 31 And 60,"31-60â€, iif( [DocAge] > 60,"61+",

Duane Hookom

I wouldn't attempt to create an expression with hard-coded values like this.
It would be best to create a small lookup range table with min, max, and
title fields. If you don't want to create a table, consider a small
user-defined function that accepts the age and returns the range title.

If DocAge is calculated, it might be returning a variant string which might
cause unexpected results.

Sylvain Lafontaine

Why is there an equal sign at the beginning of the statement and why do you
think that there is something wrong with this?

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