IIF Statement Query??



I have four fields in a table that contain an identifying number. I want to
write a query with an expression that looks for the first field that contains
a value and return that value. If the first field is null, I want the next
field to be looked at, if it has a value, I want that value returned, if it
is null, I want the next field to be looked at and so on.

ma_case_num varchar2(9byte)
ap_case_num varchar2(9byte)
fs_case_num varchar2(9byte)
ss_case_num varchar2(9byte)

Jeff Boyce

That data layout sounds a lot like ... a spreadsheet! Whenever I see
'repeating fields' in Access, I wonder if the "table" is simply a copy of an
Excel spreadsheet. Nothing against Excel, mind you, what it does it does

But Access is NOT a spreadsheet on steroids. If you need a relational
database (e.g., Access), then you need to give it data it expects and is
optimized for, not feed it 'sheet data.

Here's an alternate table structure that would allow you to use a simple
query ... (untested):

YourTableID (a primary key)
Case_Num (your varchar/9byte case numbers)
CaseType (your "ma", "ap", "fs", "ss" prefixes)

Note that if you might ever need more/fewer "case types", using this table
structure plus another table that holds valid CaseTypes gives you much more
flexibility AND requires no rewriting of queries, redesign of forms &
reports, no maintenance of tables and code, etc.

Good Luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

Disclaimer: This author may have received products and services mentioned
in this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein
does not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or pseudocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
guarantee as to suitability.

You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer

Jerry Whittle

AS TheCases
FROM tblSassie;

Watch out for word wrapping.

BUT as you can see by the strange SQL statement with nested IIf statement,
the real problem is having the four fields like this in your table. What
happens to your queries, forms, and reports if you have to add a fifth Case?
It will be a problem.
Instead of going across with the field, you should have another table that
might look something like this:

CaseNumber CaseType
123456789 AP
987654321 FS

Krzysztof Naworyta

Jerry Whittle wrote:
| AS TheCases
| FROM tblSassie;

Nz([ma_case_num], Nz([ap_case_num], Nz([fs_case_num], [ss_case_num])))
AS TheCases
FROM tblSassie;

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