firefly40 said:
I have a query date long date field and an expression the formats the long
date to weekdays. I can't seem to create a report Iif statement that can see
the weekdays, no problem writing a statement that finds the long date.
You have some kind of misperception. The format of a value
is irrelevant when using the value. The format just
specifies how you want the value to appear in a control on a
You should restate your question in terms of what you are
trying to acccomplish what the date field (better not be a
text field).
Note that there are many date related functions that can be
used to help with whatever you are trying to do:
the dddd format code displays the day of the week, e.g
DatePart("w", date) is the number of the weekday, e.g. 2
The former is useful to display the weekday for people to
see. The latter is useful when you want to sort by the week
Check VBA Help for details.