I have a RSVP report that I need to calculate the number of "yes" responses.
This is not a Yes/No field. I just free hand type YES or NO.
I want to sum the "yes" responses. Do I need to change this field to a
Yes/No field? This is what I have tried but it doesn't work and I'm not very
good at the "IIF statements". =IIf([RSVPGuest],Yes,1)
Thanks for your help.
This is not a Yes/No field. I just free hand type YES or NO.
I want to sum the "yes" responses. Do I need to change this field to a
Yes/No field? This is what I have tried but it doesn't work and I'm not very
good at the "IIF statements". =IIf([RSVPGuest],Yes,1)
Thanks for your help.