Laurie Meacham
I am creating a report that I want to spell out "has expired on" and the date
that I entered in the form if that date is prior to today; or to spell out
"will expire on" and the date that I entered in the form if that date is
greater than today. I used the following:
" Furthermore, the waiver of fees that you have received " &
IIf([Forms]![frm_rptDrugFeeLtr].[WvrExpDate]<='=GETDATE()',"has expired on
","will expire on ") & [Forms]![frm_rptDrugFeeLtr].[WvrExpDate] & ....
When I put the = in front of GETDATE, it will always print out 'will expire
on' no matter if date is before and after. If I take = out, it will always
print out 'has expired on' no matter if date is before or after.
What am I doing wrong?
that I entered in the form if that date is prior to today; or to spell out
"will expire on" and the date that I entered in the form if that date is
greater than today. I used the following:
" Furthermore, the waiver of fees that you have received " &
IIf([Forms]![frm_rptDrugFeeLtr].[WvrExpDate]<='=GETDATE()',"has expired on
","will expire on ") & [Forms]![frm_rptDrugFeeLtr].[WvrExpDate] & ....
When I put the = in front of GETDATE, it will always print out 'will expire
on' no matter if date is before and after. If I take = out, it will always
print out 'has expired on' no matter if date is before or after.
What am I doing wrong?