IIS and FP2000 Extensions



Me Again,

I've totally failed at getting IIS to open in FP. Is
there anywhere I can get step-by-step instructions for
installing IIS/config FP2000Ext's/and getting my existing
web to open. Using WinXPPro I find that the FP2000 Ext's
automatically install themselves in IIS-can I forget
configuring the extensions? Is there anything else I need
to install prior to starting the IIS install?

I'm soooo frustrated that there is no definitive
documentation for this process. My client is getting
impatient with this. Would it be easier to upgrade to

Thanks again,

Thomas A. Rowe

Under IIS MMC, select the web site, then right click property and look at
the settings. I don't have access to my Windows Pro machine at the moment to
give detailed steps. You could also seek help in the Windows newsgroup, as


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
Me Again,

I've totally failed at getting IIS to open in FP. Is
there anywhere I can get step-by-step instructions for
installing IIS/config FP2000Ext's/and getting my
existing web to open. Using WinXPPro I find that the
FP2000 Ext's automatically install themselves in IIS-can
I forget configuring the extensions? Is there anything
else I need to install prior to starting the IIS install?

On Win XP Pro this is normally all it takes. On server
operating systems, you also have to add the extensions on
each virtual server where you want them.
I'm soooo frustrated that there is no definitive
documentation for this process. My client is getting
impatient with this. Would it be easier to upgrade to

Thanks again,

Upgrading to the FP2002 extensions is a good thing to do
anyway, but the FP2000 extensions should work for most
kinds of Web pages.

Do you have Frontpage, IIS, and the FP extensions all
installed on the same Win XP Pro machine? (This is the
normal configuration.) If so, what happens when you start
FrontPage, choose Open Web from the File menu, and
specify an address of

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
|| (All from Microsoft Press) ||

Kevin Spencer

I understand the hierarchy and here's the problem right

have I done wrong and how do I fix it?

Hard to say for sure, but I noticed several things: Copying and pasting
folders and files into IIS web directories is not something you should do
unless you have a thorough understanding of how IIS works. You have to do
all of your web configuration by hand. It is much better to use FrontPage to
publish your web to the server. For example, in FrontPage, you could use
File|New Web... and then select the (http) destination for the web and use
the Import Web Wizard to import the folders and files to the server and set
up the server extensions and other web site configurations correctly.

Secondly, it looks like you're using non-standard paths for your web
folders. My understanding is that using virtual directories (which if I'm
not mistaken, it sounds like you've set up) are problematic with FrontPage.
Is there some reason why you didn't use the inetpub/wwwroot directories?


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Complex things are made up of
lots of simple things.

Mary Jo

Problem, I have 2 folders now. FrontPage Webs and
Inetpub. How do I import the web to Inetpub? FrontPge
is now attached to the new server and doesn't recognize
the old folder and content.

Stefan B Rusynko

File open web (your old disc based web in say the FrontPage Webs folder)
File Publish web to your FP SE extended web by entering http://localhost/

| Problem, I have 2 folders now. FrontPage Webs and
| Inetpub. How do I import the web to Inetpub? FrontPge
| is now attached to the new server and doesn't recognize
| the old folder and content.
| Thanks
| >-----Original Message-----
| >> I understand the hierarchy and here's the problem right
| >> now.
| >
| >Hierarchy???
| >
| >> What
| >> have I done wrong and how do I fix it?
| >
| >Hard to say for sure, but I noticed several things:
| Copying and pasting
| >folders and files into IIS web directories is not
| something you should do
| >unless you have a thorough understanding of how IIS
| works. You have to do
| >all of your web configuration by hand. It is much better
| to use FrontPage to
| >publish your web to the server. For example, in
| FrontPage, you could use
| >File|New Web... and then select the (http) destination
| for the web and use
| >the Import Web Wizard to import the folders and files to
| the server and set
| >up the server extensions and other web site
| configurations correctly.
| >
| >Secondly, it looks like you're using non-standard paths
| for your web
| >folders. My understanding is that using virtual
| directories (which if I'm
| >not mistaken, it sounds like you've set up) are
| problematic with FrontPage.
| >Is there some reason why you didn't use the
| inetpub/wwwroot directories?
| >
| >--
| >HTH,
| >
| >Kevin Spencer
| >Microsoft MVP
| >..Net Developer
| >http://www.takempis.com
| >Complex things are made up of
| >lots of simple things.
| >
| >| >> I understand the hierarchy and here's the problem right
| >> now.
| >>
| >> I've uninstalled FP98, installed IIS, configured (I
| think
| >> I did it right) the extensions on the server and
| >> reinstalled FP98 w/estensions but without PWS. I've
| >> copied and pasted my web from my desktop to the server
| at
| >> IIs/local computer/web sites/default web site/my web
| and
| >> configured the extensions on the site. Now when I try
| to
| >> open the site with FP I'm told I have to install FP to
| >> edit a FP web. When I try to open my FPWeb in FP it
| only
| >> lists the <rootweb> and when I "list webs" on the
| server
| >> (local host) it times out and can't find the web. What
| >> have I done wrong and how do I fix it? My client is
| >> upset, to say the least, and I've been trying to get
| this
| >> web published sine 7/26.
| >>
| >> I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I'm frustrated as
| >> HECK. Nothing is working correctly.
| >> MJ
| >> >-----Original Message-----
| >> >FrontPage is just a client. IIS is the server.
| FrontPage
| >> can't install
| >> >FrontPage server extensions on any web site unless the
| >> server extensions
| >> >have been installed first on the web server. When you
| >> install FrontPage
| >> >server extensions on IIS from the Windows installation
| >> CD, it enables server
| >> >extensions support for your web sites. However, this
| >> doesn't mean that the
| >> >server extensions are CONFIGURED on any web sites. You
| >> see, IIS can support
| >> >both server extension sites AND non-server-extension
| >> sites. Each site has to
| >> >have the server extensions configured on it, via IIS
| >> administration. After
| >> >that, FrontPage can create CHILD webs with server
| >> extensions configured for
| >> >them under the root web (site) with server extenisions
| >> installed.
| >> >
| >> >--
| >> >HTH,
| >> >
| >> >Kevin Spencer
| >> >Microsoft MVP
| >> >..Net Developer
| >> >http://www.takempis.com
| >> >Complex things are made up of
| >> >lots of simple things.
| >> >
| >> >| >> >> Me Again,
| >> >>
| >> >> I've totally failed at getting IIS to open in FP.
| Is
| >> >> there anywhere I can get step-by-step instructions
| for
| >> >> installing IIS/config FP2000Ext's/and getting my
| >> existing
| >> >> web to open. Using WinXPPro I find that the FP2000
| >> Ext's
| >> >> automatically install themselves in IIS-can I forget
| >> >> configuring the extensions? Is there anything else I
| >> need
| >> >> to install prior to starting the IIS install?
| >> >>
| >> >> I'm soooo frustrated that there is no definitive
| >> >> documentation for this process. My client is
| getting
| >> >> impatient with this. Would it be easier to upgrade
| to
| >> >> FP2002?
| >> >>
| >> >> Thanks again,
| >> >> mcgdogm
| >> >
| >> >
| >> >.
| >> >
| >
| >
| >.
| >

Mary Jo

That would work if I could open the web in FrontPage to
publish it to the "localhost". IIS has attached itself
to Intepub/FrontPage, I cannot access the existing web
through it. The sever times out when I try to import the
existing web.
Also, I can open & close FrontPage only once. After that,
I get the error message that I don't have 32-bit TCP/IP
networking installed. I'm running Windows XP Pro on a
new Dell Dimension 8300(only 3 months old). Why doesn't
FrontPage recognize the TCP/IP installtion already there?

I was told to uninstall FP, install IIS and re-install
FP. Should I have just left FP installed and then
installed IIS over it?

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