I'm an excel beginner please help



How do I put this typ of equation into an excel spreadsheet.

A6(variable)+____ =65


I need to set up a spread sheet so when I put a number in the A6 area the B6
area is always populated with the right number. 65(C6) is a constant. I hope
I explained this correctly I know this may be simple for some.... Thanks for
any help.


Max showed a good way to solve this, with included finesse to handle
incomplete data entry.

Here is a simpler solution.

Start with your premise: A6+B6=$C$6

Rearranging, B6 = $C$6 - A6

Which is the formula for B6: =$C$6-A6

There's nothing wrong with Max's solution, just thought you might like
to know there is more than one way.

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