I'm interested in buying Tablet PC. Convinced me



I already have One Note installed on my pc. Is not complete if I don't have
tablet pc to use writing features right? So is it so convenience to use
tablet pc to replace with our normal pen and book?
Is it really recognize our writing? My writing not as bad as doctor's writing.
tell me..

Chris H.

Tablet PCs are an excellent choice for those who want to use digital Ink.
Yes, you are correct, the full benefits of using OneNote with Ink and your
own handwriting are realized on a Tablet PC with the digitizer.

You may wish to check out some of the information on Tablet PC use here:
http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/tabletpc/default.mspx Tablet PC MVP
Terri Stratton has comparison charts for the various models on her web site:
http://thetabletpc.net and I also have usage information on my web site in
my signature line.

If you have additional questions you may wish to post them to the
microsoft.public.windows.tabletpc newsgroup available either through the
web-based interface you're using or by setting up your news reader (Outlook
Express is easy) for the msnews.microsoft.com news server. All Microsoft
newsgroups are available free to the public without logon or password.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook

Intan said:
I already have One Note installed on my pc. Is not complete if I don't have
tablet pc to use writing features right? So is it so convenience to use
tablet pc to replace with our normal pen and book?
Is it really recognize our writing? My writing not as bad as doctor's
tell me..

It does recognize most writing pretty well. As to convincing you...it
really depends up what you need it to do. Tablet PCs are a great tool for
people who need portable computing and like the ability to write their notes
instead of typing them.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Miss Beetle

Dear Chris H.,
Currently what brand of tablet pc you are using now??
Do you recommend the one you are using now?

Chris H.

What I use varies, depending on what evaluation models I might have at the
moment. I haven't by any means used all the Tablet PCs, nor have I had my
hands on some of the second- or third-generation machines for long enough to

Tablets are personal, as I've said. I do really like the Motion products in
the Slate category, and most likely the Toshiba M200. However, the choice
is up to the individual. Is that non-committal enough? :cool:
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

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