I kind of feel embarrassed to ask, but I wonder if there is a gentle person
that can help me with locating a template for and inventory list. Kind of
what does the company have in inventory computer wise. Something like make
and model, serial # installed software etc. I looked on google, and looked
all over the place, but was unable to come up with something. I also need a
service request form. I don't mind paying for this. All I need is the right
direction. I appreciate all the help I can
that can help me with locating a template for and inventory list. Kind of
what does the company have in inventory computer wise. Something like make
and model, serial # installed software etc. I looked on google, and looked
all over the place, but was unable to come up with something. I also need a
service request form. I don't mind paying for this. All I need is the right
direction. I appreciate all the help I can