I'm missing half of my e-mails.



I recently upgraded from OS X 10.2.8 to 10.4.7 plus another 512 ram on
my Titanium G4 Powerbook. When reinstalling Entourage, the default
identity to which the Entourage updated itself was from June of 2005.
So I am missing a year's worth of e-mails and settings. I backed up
the Microsoft User Data file before I wiped everything for the new OS
so I have the database and preference files on an external drive.
Entourage will simply not accept the raw file it seems because when I
replace the new blank Identity with the old one and restart Entourage a
database utility comes up and tells me to Rebuild the Identity.


Diane Ross

I recently upgraded from OS X 10.2.8 to 10.4.7 plus another 512 ram on
my Titanium G4 Powerbook. When reinstalling Entourage, the default
identity to which the Entourage updated itself was from June of 2005.
So I am missing a year's worth of e-mails and settings.

Is this the modification date or creation date?
I backed up
the Microsoft User Data file before I wiped everything for the new OS
so I have the database and preference files on an external drive.
Entourage will simply not accept the raw file it seems because when I
replace the new blank Identity with the old one and restart Entourage a
database utility comes up and tells me to Rebuild the Identity.

This problem has been reported several times recently. No one has reported
back on a solution. Things to check out:

Check permissions on folder.
Be sure that Microsoft Office has been updated to the same version used
Try removing RAM to check for a conflict.

Let Entourage create a new Microsoft User Data folder. Check the permissions
on each folder within. Now replace the new blank files with your old ones.
Be sure that permissions are the same.

See also Move/Transfer from Another Computer for additional help:


Diane Ross
Entourage Help Page
The Entourage Blog lists the EHP as one of the top five Microsoft Entourage


So is there any way to restore it without having the actual archive
file? Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place for the file.

Diane Ross

So is there any way to restore it without having the actual archive
file? Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place for the file.

When you say "restore it" if you are talking about the Microsoft User Data
folder all you need to do is remove or rename the Microsoft User Data folder
in Documents. The next time Entourage is opened it will automatically
recreate a new Microsoft User Data folder with a blank identity. You can
replace these unused files and folders with your old data.

If this doesn't answer your question, please rephrase and give more details.

Diane Ross
Entourage Help Page
The Entourage Blog lists the EHP as one of the top five Microsoft Entourage


Not sure if I'm using this correctly but my problem is simple to
describe...I re-started my Mac and Entourage X started as if it had
just been installed from scratch....all my emails, accounts etc totally
gone. Any suggestions anyone!

Diane Ross

Not sure if I'm using this correctly but my problem is simple to
describe...I re-started my Mac and Entourage X started as if it had
just been installed from scratch....all my emails, accounts etc totally
gone. Any suggestions anyone!

This is one of the most asked questions.

Most likely you have accidentally moved your data. Hopefully, you have not
deleted the file. If you have deleted the trash, it's gone. Sorry!

Select Switch Identity and see if your old identity is still listed.

Entourage expects the folder to be in your Documents folder. For OS X users,
that's the Documents folder in your User's folder.

To find your old database, search for "Microsoft User Data" (without the

If you have not used a new identity in Entourage, then copy the entire
Microsoft User Data folder to the correct location.

Fix if you have more than one Microsoft User Data Folder...

Move the entire identity folder you want to use to the Office Identities
folder that Entourage is recognizing. Your identity is named "Main" by
default. Be sure to rename one so you do not overwrite. Your identity folder
can contain more than one identity.

Switch Identities to view your old mail. If you have not used the new
identity, delete it. If you have used it and want to combine the new mail
with your original database, drag each folder to the desktop from one
identity. This creates an MBOX file. Switch identities. Drag the MBOX files
into the folder window of Entourage.

You can delete the old folder after you are satisfied with the transfer.


Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
The Entourage Blog lists the EHP as one of the top five Microsoft Entourage

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