Here are detailed instructions on how to create the Confirmation Page:
- By utilizing a form confirmation page, you allow site visitors to confirm
that they entered form information correctly and, if necessary, return to the
form and fill it out again.
On the File menu, point to New, and then click Page or Web.
In the New Page or Web task pane, under New, click Blank Page.
Type the text you want to display after a site visitor has submitted the form.
Choose the information you want to show your visitor. For example, you could
display the contents of an e-mail address field, allowing the site visitor to
confirm that it was typed correctly.
On the Insert menu, click Web Component.
In the left pane, click Advanced Controls, and in the right pane,
double-click Confirmation Field.
In the Name of form field to confirm text box, type the name of the field
from which to display information, and then click OK.
Note The name of this field must match the name you gave the form field
when you set its properties.
The name of the field is displayed in brackets ( [] ) on the form. When the
confirmation form is displayed to the site visitor, this field will display
the site visitor's entry instead.
Repeat the above steps for each field you want to display.
If there are fields that you do not want to display on the confirmation
page, you can hide them.
In Page view, right-click the form, and then click Form Properties on the
shortcut menu.
Click Advanced.
In the Hidden fields group box, click Add.
In the Name box, type a name to identify the hidden form field in your form
results. This is the same name you gave the form field when you set its
In the Value box, type the value to associate with this field.
On the File menu, click Save As.
In the File name box, type the file name of the confirmation page.
If you need to change the Page title, click Change title, enter the correct
title, and click OK.
Click Save.
Open the page containing your form by double-clicking the file in the Folder
Right-click the form, and then click Form Properties on the shortcut menu.
Click Options, and then click the Confirmation Page tab.
In the URL of confirmation page box, type the name and location of the
confirmation page you just created, or click Browse to locate it.
If you are saving your form results to a database, you must save your
confirmation page with an .asp extension.
To test the functionality of your form, you must first publish your web site
to a web server running either the FrontPage Server Extensions or SharePoint
Team Services from Microsoft. Ask your web server administrator or Internet
Service Provider whether this software is installed on your web server. Once
the web site is published, click Preview in Browser to test the form.
Ruth Allen
wallster said:
Ruth said:
Dear Wallster,
You're not stupid...stoopid!

It's just that you're not familiar with the
form creation process and, although the tool is called Form Wizard, it's
really not for the novice. But, take heart! Forget the wizard and let's do
this from scratch. Follow these general instructions (I can get more
detailed if you like, but I'm keeping it simple):
1. Start a new page or open the web page on which you want to place the form.
2. Insert the form. INSERT-FORM-FORM. (You'll get 2 buttons to start -
SUBMIT AND RESET and the form object is a square with a broken line around it
- encasing these 2 buttons. You're curser should be at the beginning of the
SUBMIT button so just return a couple of times to give you some space above
these buttons - where all of your form fields should be placed.)
3. Add your form fields. INSERT-FORM-[CHOOSE FIELD TYPE]. (Depending on the
type of field you choose, there will be a dialogue box asking you to define
this field. At any time you want to change the specs for a field,
right-click on it. If you want to delete a field, click on it and press
delete. You can move the field like you would anything else, except do not
move the field/s out of the boxed form object area. You can also adjust this
area to accomodate your needs.)
4. Open the Form Properties dialogue box. RIGHT-CLICK ON THE FORM -
anywhere within the form object (don't click on a field, but click in any of
the white-space areas within the form). FORM PROPERTIES.
5. Define the Form Properties to have the form data results sent to an
email address. Where it says 'Where to store results..', delete the file
name in the send-to-file box and click on the EMAIL ADDRESS radio button and
enter the email address to which you want the form results sent.
Also, for your form to work, you must publish it to the Internet and your
host server must have FrontPage extensions installed.
Let me know if you need more help.
Ruth Allen
wallster said:
hey everybody! I'm having a difficult time understanding the frontpage
form wizard. Here's what i'm trying to do.
A friend of mine wants to do a simple website that is about insurance
quotes. he wants a page that explains how he can save them money on
auto insurance in our local area, blah, blah, blah. Then you click a
link to a basic form (like this sample)
When the "submit" button is pressed, I would like this info to be sent
to an email address. (Not a file on the server) I cant get this to do
that, keep in mind that i'm not that bright... so keep suggestions
simple for me.
Also, there will be a "Thank-you" page that pops up from there.
I would really like this pretty simple, using my server space and using
an url masking/forwarding site.
Any help or suggestions is very welcome. Thanks in advance.
Thanks Ruth, thanks a lot! I'll give it a whirl.