Image Composer Help


Vin Lauria

I have a few PNGs I'm trying to edit with Image Composer. Now, Image Composer
has always been fine with PNGs before, but ever since my baby sister snuck on
the other night, even though she claims she didn't use it, it doesn't work

The thing is, any PNGs created before my sister came on the other night
don't show up correctly. These PNGs show up correctly in any other program,
any PNGs modified after that date show up fine in Image Composer, and any
other filetype shows up okay regardless of date, but whenever I load PNGs
modified more than three days ago, they keep their alpha channel, but all the
other channels are blanked out.

So they only show up as black silhouettes. Please help! I need to edit these


I can't imagine that little sister is responsible for how your FP handles
old PNGs that reside in your web.

Try taking them back into Image Composer and re-saving them. If Image
Composer also can't read them, I suspect you're SOL.

Vin Lauria

Not sure about my sister, actually. Could be coincidence. However, it's not
the Frontpage. It's Image Composer that turns them into black silhouette. And
if you re-save it in MIC, it will be black no matter what program you use,
and I don't have another program that handles alpha.

Thomas A. Rowe

Re-install IC.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network

Thomas A. Rowe

If re-installing doesn't work, then if I recall when I had a similar issue, I had to reformat my HD.
Before doing that, try restoring your system back to a time that you remember IC working correctly.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network

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