Image File Link



I have a word document with a an image that is a link to a file.
ex. C:\Image1.jpg (Picture of a ball)
If I save the word document and then change the image at C:\Image1.jpg to
another image (picture of a pen) which is of the same type (.jpg); the image
in the word document now shows a pen. which is how its supposed to be.
BUT if i change the imaga at C:\Image1.jpg to an image of a different type
(ex .bmp) then the word document doesnt show the image anymore!?

how can i make this work? i want to be able to show all/any image at
C:\Image1.*** it shouldnt matter if its a jpg or bmp... as long as its an
image file supported by word.


Lene Fredborg

When you insert a picture as a link, you actually insert a field in Word that
includes the full path to the picture file. If you change the file name from
"*.jpg" to "*.bmp", it is no longer the same file and the path in the field
is no longer valid. Try this:

In Word, select the picture and press Alt+F9 to toggle field codes. Now your
picture looks something like this:

{ INCUDEPICTURE "[path to file].jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT \d}

If the path includes spaces, they may appear as "%20" in the field code.

Try to change ".jpg" to ".bmp". Press Alt+F9 to toggle field codes again. If
needed, press F9 to update the field (alternatively, you can change the link
via Edit > Links > Change Source).

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

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