Image in email signature not appearing



I have created a custom signature with a company logo. I did this by
selecting the Advanced Editor option, which uses Word as the editor. When I
send a new email, there is no problem with the signature, but in a reply or
forward of an email, my signature will be missing the image. The text
portion of the sig appears but in place of the image is a small red "x"
indicating a missing image file.

I did a View Source of the new email and it shows:

<P class=MsoNormal><IMG height=40
src="file://C:\Documents and Settings\bsilverstein\Application
width=344 v:shapes="_x0000_i1025">

A View Source of an email reply shows something quite different for the image:

<P class=MsoNormal><IMG height=40
src="outbind://31/Webmaster_files/image001.gif" width=344

How can I make my signature work for both new messages, as well as for
replies and forwards?

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