Image map - size of new window



I have a flowchart diagram that I have created as an image map. Each stage of
the flowchart is set up as a hot spot that opens a new window with text that
explains the stage. Is there any way I can set the size of the new window to
a particular size smaller than the screen display (ie. so the underlying
flowchart is still partially visible underneath)?


Hi Kathleen,

Thanks for the link to Jimco's Spawn. It seems to be what I need. Only one
problem though - after I have created the first "hot spot" link with the
tool, all hot spots on the same graphic link to the same page. I have tried
looking at the HTML code to see if I can manually edit the name of the new
link for each new hot spot, but I cannot see how to do it. Any ideas?

Many thanks,


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