Image organization for next version...



Once I sorted out any doubts that OneNote didn't store images in their
original quality inside its .one files, I started using it as my "photo
album" among other tasks.
What I still miss: Creation dates and similar info accessed by the
Properties of an image are lost in the process of dropping the image into
It would be nice to store this meta data in the .one file as well and be
able to access it somehow (right mouse on the image -> properties etc...
maybe something more sophisticated like when hovering, or right click and
enable "Show creation date" which displays it underneath the picture..).
This especially hurts with pictures taken with a digital camera, where the
creation date can be important.
So far I have to copy the creation date from the properties dialog

Anything I overlooked there??

The second issue is to get these images out again. Something similar to the
drop process into ON would be nice. Or right click and chose save as, where
it offers the original properties by itself (jpeg or gif, dates, etc...) and
the image is "restored" to a single file state so to say (in a chosen

At the moment I have to use a graphics program (Photoshop Image Ready for
me) in between with copy and paste... And the saving process can be

3rd: A way to have some sort of a slide show... inside a Page (and maybe its
subpages) where it displays all pictures just like that windows proggy that
comes with XP... I want to see them full screen...

And a manual tool would also be nice: By entering a "picture viewing mode"
(Key plus mouse click on the image or some permanent mode that can be
enabled/disabled). I want to see images fullscreen, and I wouldnt care if
they were sent to that afore mentioned windows proggy that does the trick if
i doubleclick on an image file...

And whilst I am wishing here:
Table support
Internal hyperlinking between pages
Collapsing Subpages
Drawing tool support
A more powerful connection between a file-link inside ON and its physical
file in the ON NoteBook (when moving or deleting the link...)

oh and someone buy me a Tablet ;D

Thnx Hanc

PS: This list is just what would make ON so much more better which means
it's already GREAT at the moment, i really love this application!

My favorite gimmicks:
Screen Clippings
Send page as email (html) (only the color depth change is a bit of a
nuisance): sending images in the shown size instead of the whole size is the
best thing!!! So much less work to send a few pics to someone else who
doesnt need high quality shots from a digital camera. Up until ON it was a
lengthy process to convert every pic. Now I store them completely in ON (no
gif or jpg files no more) and can send them to others so easily...)

Great work so far, keep it coming :D

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