Image Placeholder with Specific Dimensions and Edit Capabilities



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel


I am creating a complex word template for my client. The template includes image placeholder for high res images that span the entire width of the page, edge to edge. I am having issues inserting a placeholder that correctly fits a selected image into the correct dimensions of the original placeholder.

The image I have reaches from edge to edge of the document and is cropped height wise so that it looks like a thin banner across the page. When I make it into a placeholder then add another image in its place, the new image is squeezed, both in height and width, rather than fitting the original page width dimensions and including the cropping to ensure the image is the right aspect ratio.

Is there a way to use placeholders in a complex enough way so that my client can add any picture they want and have it scale and crop itself to the dimensions of my original banner?

I wish....upon a Microsoft/Mac star, that there would be a static frame matching my dimensions, that an image could be dropped into and then moved freely (scale and position) within the static frame, without disrupting the dimensions of the imported image.


Virtually none of what you're asking for is available in either Mac or PC
Word. Some of it may be able to be controlled by VBA but even that is
doubtful... From what you describe it sounds like you expect the program to
know exactly how much scaling & cropping needs to be done regardless of
what's being "dropped in". I honestly don't know of any word processing
software that will do anything like that.

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