Image Quality in Web pages



I'm using XP and publisher 98. When I view my website, the image quality
becomes very poor. I have tried keeping my pictures scaled to 100% to see if
this solves the problem, but it doesn't. Any suggestions?


Image quality on the web is a complex topic. Scaling in Publisher can indeed
give you problems like moire patters, and a weird solarization effect. What is
more, just cropping in Publisher sometimes can produce the same undesired
effects. Everything looks fine until you publish to the web, only then do you
want to kill somebody on the Publisher development team. While I have read
dozens of axioms that if you follow them, are supposed to solve the problems,
none always prevent surprises in my experience.

For starters, do image resizing in a program like Photoshop with a "save for the
web" type feature. Photoshop Elements is priced for the less dedicated use, and
the sticker shock is less likely to cause a heart attack.

Perhaps some of the MVP genii in here can shed some light on this problem. I
have learned through trial and error how to fix the problem once I see it, but I
have not a clue how to reliably predict it even. I see variations of this
phenomenon on even professionally done websites from time to time, sites I am
sure were not generally done in Publisher.


These images are jpegs, but publisher always converts them to gif format
when you click "save as HTML", or you preview your web publication.
Would publisher 2000 or 2003 be better?
Thanks for your comments,



If you open Publisher 2002 and go to Help and About, check the version
number to see if it has been upgraded with the most recent service pack, and
at least SP1. Then go to and read at least the last article on this page:

It is possible that installing the SP will fix the problem with converting
your jpg images to gifs. You might also run the design checker.

As to which version is best, read all the articles on the link above. David
Bartosik does a good job of describing the differences. In my opinion each
version has both strengths and weaknesses, but I strongly prefer Pub 2000
for websites, for lots of reasons. I think Pub 2003 is superior in many ways
for print documents.


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