image rollover doesn't work



I placed a thumbnail pic on my website with FP Auto Thumbnail function. Then
I removed its hyperlink to the normal size picture and let it rollover to the
large size picture when a visitor points to the picture. I did the rollover
using Insert Swap Image in Behavior options. It works fine when I preview the
rollover behavior on my hard drive website, but it doesn't work in my
published website.
Does anyone know what could be wrong? The problem is at: and benefits.htm

Steve Easton

It's changing for me, however the size doesn't increase to display the larger image because the
image size is preset for the thumbnail in the html as width="100" height="75". Therefore the
larger image structure.jpg

is being forced by the browser to display at the same size as structure_small1.jpg

Additionally, you really need to remove the spaces from the file names and replace them with
underscores _ or dashes - because spaces break links in some browsers.

Try making the larger image display in a layer using behaviors,.
Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Thanks Steve. I will try all that. However, can you give more details in
regards how to "making the larger image display in a layer using behaviors"?

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