Image Swap and Preload


BB Iverson

I used the preload behavior in FP2003 for the images I want to swap for a button's onmouseover. However, after publishing the page, it seems to lag while swapping each image, even after subsequent tries. Is there a better way to have the images load faster? I read somewhere that there was a 1-pixel trick, but I can't seem to locate that. Any ideas?

Stefan B Rusynko

Actually setting any image size on preloads slows down the preload

The same number of bites always have to be downloaded
- do some image compression / optimization

| I used the preload behavior in FP2003 for the images I want to swap for a button's onmouseover. However, after publishing the
page, it seems to lag while swapping each image, even after subsequent tries. Is there a better way to have the images load faster?
I read somewhere that there was a 1-pixel trick, but I can't seem to locate that. Any ideas?

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