Image To Large




I am not sure if this is the right group for this question. If not,
could someone direct me to the right group - Thanks.

I was reformatting my sheets with a macro and had completed 36 when
the 37th froze, an error message appeared saying something about the
image being too large then crashed. The workbook would not reopen!!!!
I had been making backups as I was going along so that was not a

What I was doing was to try and slim the workbook down (it is 28megs
and REAL slow loading.

Condition) I had hidden the extra rows and columns so that only the
working range (A1 thru X250) would be visible. I had 3 Conditional
Formats on each of these cells. Since I have 132 of these worksheets
with about 10 more for entry and printing. This is a pretty big file.

Step one)get rid off any excess formatting. In order to get to the
area in the hidden cells, I attempted to unhide the hidden rows and
columns by highlighting the entire sheet and the first
Format>Rows>Unhide then Format>Column>Unhide. When the columns
became unhidden, I then highlighted all columns from Z to IV, and went
to Edit>Clear>All. Finally, with the highlight still on the columns,I
went to Edit>Delete. This delete took a LONG time before it finally
finished. I then went down to row 250 and discovered that the column
unhide did not happen!!!! -Possibly the reason for the long delay.

I do not know what is wrong!

Anyone have any ideas as to how to fix this problem?

Any help or suggestions would be most appreciated.



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