Images cannot be seen, no details in Mgr



Publisher 03, Windows WP Site

Guys and Gals everything was going fine until this mornning when I opened up
Publisher and all the images on my site only displayed as a frame with the
red X in it. I have tried all the FAQ fixes through Picture Manager and the
Accelerator. Manager details info for size etc as unknown. A saved copy
from a flash drive comes up with the pictures but not any on the hard drive
copy. Yesterday I did add a counter to the home page and a guest book all
from These were in some other FAQs from this site. They did
work fine and I had uploaded a few times after installing these and all was
OK. The site is still OK but I have noticed the counter today does not
appear to be working. The counter was from the top of the freebi list as
Have run my up to date McAffe but nothing detected.
Gone to the MVP FAQs nothing similar and as stated have tried the ,
View,Manager things etc..
I have just viewed my home page folders and they appear to be short on files
and there were two images of city views that should not of been there. Help
I have just looked at the


Sorry Mary I should of been clearer. The site on the web is still running.
Its my home page file on my PC that has been attacked or something. In the
home page files all the images associated with the file that were on the HTML
pages have gone. There were only two files affected and both were Home page"
& "Home page2" we are starting to think a virus was responabale btu I have
McAffe running and it updates it's self constantly.
Since this incident a friend who is a computer tech cannot access my site
remotly were he once could.
I have started to rebuild but I hope the infection if that is what it was
has gone. 2 x scans with Mcaffe found nothing.

David Bartosik

I'd like to try and help but the more you write the more confused I get. I
have no idea what you need help with.


Sorry Guys and Gals, one last try.

All the images that were being used for my web site,, in the publisher "home page_files" folder were
gone, missing, awol.
The text contant of each page was still in the folder. When you opened the
file, home page, the text and Nav bar and Buy Now links were there but the
images were gone. Only a dotted outline box with a red cross in it was left.
Picture Manager still showed the details re image titles and the page it
was supposed to be on but there was no info re size etc..
I have re inserted the images and hopefully it wont happen again.
McAffe hasn't pick up any virus etc.. So I'm at a loss to know what happened.
Any help would be appreciated, Hope this is clearer than the mud I seemed
to write before. Thanks Guys and Gals

David Bartosik said:
I'd like to try and help but the more you write the more confused I get. I
have no idea what you need help with.

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

John said:
Publisher 03, Windows WP Site

Guys and Gals everything was going fine until this mornning when I opened up
Publisher and all the images on my site only displayed as a frame with the
red X in it. I have tried all the FAQ fixes through Picture Manager and the
Accelerator. Manager details info for size etc as unknown. A saved copy
from a flash drive comes up with the pictures but not any on the hard drive
copy. Yesterday I did add a counter to the home page and a guest book all
from These were in some other FAQs from this site. They did
work fine and I had uploaded a few times after installing these and all was
OK. The site is still OK but I have noticed the counter today does not
appear to be working. The counter was from the top of the freebi list as
Have run my up to date McAffe but nothing detected.
Gone to the MVP FAQs nothing similar and as stated have tried the ,
View,Manager things etc..
I have just viewed my home page folders and they appear to be short on files
and there were two images of city views that should not of been there. Help
I have just looked at the

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