Images do not display in Email


Pierre Naggiar

Since my first use of Entourage several months ago I have had a
problem with a bold red "X" showing in "boxes" throughout incoming
emails where there should be an image (probably html). The same email
in Outlook Express or Outlook email in a Windows environment displays
the images imbedded in the email with no problem.

My environment is as follows: HW= Macbook; Intel core Duo, 4Mb Cache,
2GB memory. SW= Mac OS X 10.4.10 with Entourage 2004 for Mac Version
11.3.6. All my Entourage Security Preference setting boxes are
checked. And all email senders are in my Entourage contact list. I
work only in remote mode in Entourage and occasionaly do a send/
receive to receive emails.

Any ideas on how to get those images imbedded in emails to display in
Entourage? Or at least get an option message to download them? thanks
for any help.

Diane Ross

Since my first use of Entourage several months ago I have had a
problem with a bold red "X" showing in "boxes" throughout incoming
emails where there should be an image (probably html). The same email
in Outlook Express or Outlook email in a Windows environment displays
the images imbedded in the email with no problem.

My environment is as follows: HW= Macbook; Intel core Duo, 4Mb Cache,
2GB memory. SW= Mac OS X 10.4.10 with Entourage 2004 for Mac Version
11.3.6. All my Entourage Security Preference setting boxes are
checked. And all email senders are in my Entourage contact list. I
work only in remote mode in Entourage and occasionaly do a send/
receive to receive emails.

Any ideas on how to get those images imbedded in emails to display in
Entourage? Or at least get an option message to download them? thanks
for any help

BTW, what type of account? POP, IMAP, Exchange

Do you have partially download messages? You would see the "X" if the
message is only partially downloaded. Since you work in remote mode, this
could be the source of your problem.

It sounds like your settings are correct. It could be a corrupt preference.

For general info:

On-line content (including images) will not be displayed unless the sender
is in your address book (a new security measure), and only then IF you have
that preference set in the security pane of the preferences.

However, you can display the content by clicking the link in the yellow
"info bar" at the top of the message.

Pierre Naggiar

If anyone has figured out how to solve this problem, any help would be
appreciated. Here is the additional info requested by MVP.

Type of Account = POP
Partially Downloaded Messages = None. Just the infamous X in bold Red
color in the boxes where images are supposed to be.
Email version on Server = shows the image perfectly when
viewed on the server with Safari browser.
Working Offline/Remote mode = no different than not doing so; which
does a "send receive" at regular intervals instead.
Yellow Info Bar at top of message = I've never seen it. i.e. it never
shows up.

Could be a Corrupt Preference: How does one fix that?

The Microsoft party line at
..... is just that, the party line i.e. doesnt solve the problem. This
issue, based on search in the Group discussions appears to be a long-
time problem with emails in Entourage.

Any other thoughts or ideas on how to fix this problem would be
appreciated. Getting emails with bold red X's in boxes where there are
supposed to be images is a frustrating thing considering many emails
nowadays have embedded images. Based on the on-going Group posts on
this topic, it appears to be an unrelenting MS problem with Entourage
emails. Why doesnt MS fix this once and for all?


William Smith

Pierre said:
Since my first use of Entourage several months ago I have had a
problem with a bold red "X" showing in "boxes" throughout incoming
emails where there should be an image (probably html). The same email
in Outlook Express or Outlook email in a Windows environment displays
the images imbedded in the email with no problem.

My environment is as follows: HW= Macbook; Intel core Duo, 4Mb Cache,
2GB memory. SW= Mac OS X 10.4.10 with Entourage 2004 for Mac Version
11.3.6. All my Entourage Security Preference setting boxes are
checked. And all email senders are in my Entourage contact list. I
work only in remote mode in Entourage and occasionaly do a send/
receive to receive emails.

Any ideas on how to get those images imbedded in emails to display in
Entourage? Or at least get an option message to download them? thanks
for any help.

Hi Pierre!

What format are the image files? JPG? GIF? Other?

Are the images indeed coming with the E-mail messages themselves or are
they being linked to outside servers?

Can you elaborate what you mean by "I work only in remote mode in
Entourage"? I think I may know what you're referring to but I'd like to
make sure.



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

Pierre Naggiar

Thanks Bill; the problem still persists. JPG or GIF show up with
BOXES with large text that I can click on (hand) and get to a web
site. HTML show up in BOXES with a big red bold "X".

So the JPG and GIF appear to be linked to outside servers, at least
they take me there, whereas the HTML images are an enigma with the big
red bold "X".

I selected "Work Offline" in the Entourage pulldown. i.e. Entourage
only connects to the server to download mail when I click on send/
receive. That seems to work fine.

At the recommendation of Dianne (MVP) I also recently ran the
MacOSX10.4.10 combo update; then executed a "Remove Office" and re-
installed it from my Office 2004 CD & ran Office Update. That didnt
solve the problem. I'm still receiving email with boxes where there
should be html, JPEG and gif images. Although, when friends send me
JPEG photos as attachements to their emails, I get them fine. They
show up as a picture in the email, as well as an attachement.

thanks in advance for any help and hints on how to fix this issue....

Pierre Naggiar

Bill; Addendum...when I try and forward those emails I receive that
show up with boxes all over instead of images, ( from either the
server, or Entourage -Working Offline), all the boxes appear to be
converted to URL texts. i.e. no more boxes with X's or otherwise.

William Smith

Pierre said:
Thanks Bill; the problem still persists. JPG or GIF show up with
BOXES with large text that I can click on (hand) and get to a web
site. HTML show up in BOXES with a big red bold "X".

So the JPG and GIF appear to be linked to outside servers, at least
they take me there, whereas the HTML images are an enigma with the big
red bold "X".

I selected "Work Offline" in the Entourage pulldown. i.e. Entourage
only connects to the server to download mail when I click on send/
receive. That seems to work fine.

At the recommendation of Dianne (MVP) I also recently ran the
MacOSX10.4.10 combo update; then executed a "Remove Office" and re-
installed it from my Office 2004 CD & ran Office Update. That didnt
solve the problem. I'm still receiving email with boxes where there
should be html, JPEG and gif images. Although, when friends send me
JPEG photos as attachements to their emails, I get them fine. They
show up as a picture in the email, as well as an attachement.

thanks in advance for any help and hints on how to fix this issue....

Hi Pierre!

Do you by any chance also use your computer off-line most of the time?
When you display the messages are you connected to the Internet so that
you can download the pictures at the time?

Also, are you working on a network behind a company proxy server?

Just verifying... You specifically have Entourage menu --> Preferences
--> Security --> Pictures set to download?

Finally, in Entourage menu --> Preferences --> Notification is a button
to reset all dialogs. Click this button and restart Entourage. Try to
display your message again and see if some message is getting
suppressed. It should display now.

Hope this helps!



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

Pierre Naggiar

Hi Bill;

Re your questions: My computer is connected to the internet all the
time...just about 24x7. i.e. I only work in Entourage in local mode,
and do "Send/Receive" to connect to the internet to send-receive
emails once in a while. I connect to ISP ( My wife
uses a Windows based PC with Outlook Express and she doesnt have the
problems I do displaying Images.

MIGHT THE FACT THAT I HAVE a "Student & Teacher Edition" of Office
2004/Mac have anything to do with it?

I tried all the changes you recommended. No luck. Still the same
problem in displaying prior emails I received with Red "X" in the
boxes where I'm supposed to have images.

Dianne had also made a recommendation in another posting to Create a
new test identity. I had tried that once with MS Support, and it didnt
work. She also asked if the above test didnt work to create a new User
in System Preferences and run the same test as above to see if its
something in my User's folder thats the cause. Havent tried that yet.

Anything else you think I should try? These Red X's instead of images,
with no ability to download them on choice, is agravating to say the
least ... :)

William Smith

Hi Pierre!

My comments are inline with yours.

Pierre said:
Hi Bill;

Re your questions: My computer is connected to the internet all the
time...just about 24x7. i.e. I only work in Entourage in local mode,
and do "Send/Receive" to connect to the internet to send-receive
emails once in a while. I connect to ISP ( My wife
uses a Windows based PC with Outlook Express and she doesnt have the
problems I do displaying Images.

MIGHT THE FACT THAT I HAVE a "Student & Teacher Edition" of Office
2004/Mac have anything to do with it?

This should have absolutely nothing to do with the problem.
I tried all the changes you recommended. No luck. Still the same
problem in displaying prior emails I received with Red "X" in the
boxes where I'm supposed to have images.

Dianne had also made a recommendation in another posting to Create a
new test identity. I had tried that once with MS Support, and it didnt
work. She also asked if the above test didnt work to create a new User
in System Preferences and run the same test as above to see if its
something in my User's folder thats the cause. Havent tried that yet.

Anything else you think I should try? These Red X's instead of images,
with no ability to download them on choice, is agravating to say the
least ... :)

With your message open, select View --> Source. This will display the
message with headers and the raw HTML code. Look for the IMG files. I
suspect you should see something that looks like <img href=" ... ">.
What is between the quotes?

Or can you spot where the pictures are located in the source? Does
anything look like a path to a server? I strongly suspect these images
are on a server or possibly on a Windows user's computer. The path would
look something like "C:\Documents and Settings..."



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>


Hi all. Not to hijack this thread but recently I have encountered this
exact problem. I am able to reproduce the problem and work around it
by hosting images from a different server. By capturing the http
requests and responses flowing to Entourage it almost looks like
Entourage's request is malformed or missing something that the server
in question is looking for. Here's a paste of the requests and
responses. The first set is a request from Firefox (which works fine)
and then the second set is what Entourage reqeusts.

Method: GET
Protocol-Version: HTTP/1.1
Protocol: http
File: /us/ca/aaa/etravel/200710/alaska_cruise.jpg
Start-Time: 2007-10-08T11:33:04.272-07:00
Response-Time: 2007-10-08T11:33:04.367-07:00
End-Time: 2007-10-08T11:33:04.598-07:00
Request-Header-Size: 621
Response-Header-Size: 265
Request-Body-Size: 0
Response-Body-Size: 53948
Request-Body-Decoded: false
Response-Body-Decoded: false
GET /us/ca/aaa/etravel/200710/alaska_cruise.jpg HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070914 Firefox/
Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Cookie: __utma=39652080.740865214.1163660254.1191634153.1191831447.93;
utmctr=brand+up|utmcmd=organic; T3CK=TANT%3D1%7CTANO%3D0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: BestHop 0.5.32-1
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 18:33:04 GMT
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Connection: keep-alive
ETag: "4db1e2c885817ea3d6ef0cc90aebf177"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Last-Modified: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 08:09:27 GMT
Content-Length: 53948


Method: GET
Protocol-Version: HTTP/1.1
Protocol: http
File: /us/ca/aaa/etravel/200710/alaska_cruise.jpg
Start-Time: 2007-10-08T11:31:31.399-07:00
Response-Time: 2007-10-08T11:31:31.568-07:00
End-Time: 2007-10-08T11:31:31.570-07:00
Request-Header-Size: 367
Response-Header-Size: 204
Request-Body-Size: 0
Response-Body-Size: 349
Request-Body-Decoded: false
Response-Body-Decoded: false
GET /us/ca/aaa/etravel/200710/alaska_cruise.jpg HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; PPC Mac OS X 10.4.9;
Tasman 1.0)
Accept: image/gif, image/pjpeg, image/jpeg, image/x-png, image/png, */
Accept-Language: en
Referer: mhtmlmain:
Content-Length: 0
Accept-Encoding: gzip
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Server: BestHop 0.5.32-1
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 18:31:31 GMT
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Connection: keep-alive
ETag: "4db1e2c885817ea3d6ef0cc90aebf177"
Content-Length: 349

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>400 - Bad Request</title>
<h1>400 - Bad Request</h1>



I've resolved the problem, but I don't know if this will solve it for
others. In our case, it was a problem with Entourage's non-compliant
HTTP headers insofar as it puts a content-length parameter in the GET
request, which is illegal according to RFC. So our media server was
choking on that request, whereas IIS, Apache and many other servers
ignore it safely.


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