Images Dragged from Explorer Don't Display


Stephen Sander


When I drag an image file (WMF for JPG for example) from Windows
Explorer to a Word document, I expect the image to be placed in the

Instead, only the file icon appears in the document.

I can find no way to convert the icon into a "formattable" image that
displ;ays and prints correctly. Right-clicking the icon offers no menu
selections that work.

Any ideas? Is there some general setting that I need to change?

Thanks in advance.

Steve Sander

Hilary Ostrov


When I drag an image file (WMF for JPG for example) from Windows
Explorer to a Word document, I expect the image to be placed in the

Instead, only the file icon appears in the document.

I can find no way to convert the icon into a "formattable" image that
displ;ays and prints correctly. Right-clicking the icon offers no menu
selections that work.

Any ideas? Is there some general setting that I need to change?

When you drag the image into the document, what you are doing is
"embedding" the image as a "package" - and you would need to click the
icon to open and view the image. It will then appear in your default
image viewer/editor - but not in your document!

To actually insert the image into your document: from your Word menu,
choose Insert->Picture->Picture from File. Navigate to the folder,
select your image, then click the "Insert" button.

Alternatively, you could open the image in your viewing/editing
program, then Select All->Copy, and then Paste into your document.


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