Hugh Watkins said:
thank you
and thank you for reminding me to get graphic converter again
OP says can't do it with photoshop
but i bet cmd n works there too
Not quite, but it is not very hard.
cmd-N with "preset from clipboard" chosen creates a new image frame the
same size as the one in the clipboard, but empty. Then you say cmd-V
I think Homer might say "Doh!"
obviously you could write a script for any mass job
That's what makes it interesting, the small value of "obviously".
It wasn't till I hit "send" that I realised how easy it was.
Saving as HTML creates a folder with all the images already separated
out. Of course Word screws around with the size and resolution. It *is*
Word after all, and there is no way you can persuade it to leave your
goddamn images alone. There may be some relief in the options... dialog
when you get to save as html. You get a chance to say how many ppi you
want the images to be. I lost the will to live before experimenting too
far with that. ;-)