Images in Outlook no longer display


Phil B

I regularly use images in Outlook to make it easier for the people I support
to see what to do. I have been doing this for years and I have a reasonable
understanding of formats and settings to make this happen. (I teach ICT.)

Whilst generating a help email today, and having already added a few images
captured using Prt Scr to the message, I used Ctrl-V as usual to paste
another image captured in the same way. The dreaded red icon appeared

No matter what I do, after a frustrating 2 hours of changing settings,
research, rebooting, etc, I cannot paste captured images. If I capture them,
I can paste them into Word, so I don't think it's a system problem. If I
save them somewhere, and then use 'Insert Picture', it works and I can see
the image in the message.

Win XP Pro
Office 2003 Pro
IEx 6 (not the dreaded 7)

I'm obviously missing something really simple. Go on, please tell me what
it is - I promise not to curse ...

Helpdesk Don

These steps worked for me:

1. Locate the Outlook Temporary Items folder by opening the Registry and
2. Navigate to the value of this Key. It should be something like:
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3D\ where OLK3D is
some randomly generated string that always starts with OLK
3. Quit Outlook
4. Delete the contents of the folder
5. Launch Outlook

Phil B


Whilst your reply did not resolve the issue, it might well have a great deal
of bearing on it because the folder listed in the registry entry on my PC
does not exist.

Should I generate the folder?
Should I delete the registry entry?

Thanks for the help so far.

Helpdesk Don said:
These steps worked for me:

1. Locate the Outlook Temporary Items folder by opening the Registry and
2. Navigate to the value of this Key. It should be something like:
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3D\ where OLK3D is
some randomly generated string that always starts with OLK


Phil B

Having created the folder and made sure it was empty, the functionality is
now restored.

Thanks, Don !!

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